Unless writing is how you make your living, most of us get writers block and stuck when we have to think of our own blog and newsletter content.

In fact come to think of it – even writers procrastinate on their own writing!

Imagine if you didn’t have to write another post again?

You see – this blog was inspired by a very cool client of mine who makes a living speaking. She speaks at conferences and runs lots of workshops.

So she talks all day about her knowledge and expertise.

But put a pen in her hand a notepad and she clams up.

Put her in front of a computer with word and a keyboard and her fingers hover, not certain yet which letters to press.

But I knew she had magic in her. So many golden words of wisdom that I wanted to help her communicate to the world.

So we devised a plan.

Because she drives a lot – I told her to use her voice memo app on her phone (or get a Dictaphone) and to talk as she commutes.

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Talk about insights her clients have had.

Talk about breakthroughs her clients have had.

Talk about common misconceptions that people have about her expertise.

Talk about what NEEDS to happen step by step for goals to be achieved.


all she had to do was email the memo over.

I would decipher it into beautiful blogs, newsletters and even social media posts!

That smile……made my heart sing. 😊

So if you’re stuck writing, but can talk till the cows come home, try this technique – then listen to your magic and map out what you’re going to talk about when, in a content planner for someone else to implement.

Because there is no point in getting all of your knowledge out of your head if you don’t plan on getting it out there into the world!

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