How to Get Started on Instagram

Instagram is turning into a massive favorite among entrepreneurs both online and offline. It is a social media app that puts a heavy emphasis on pictures and short videos and it is, like Twitter, highly favorable to (if not dependent on) the use of hash tags. Instagram is like scrolling through a more colorful, intimate, less wordy version of Facebook—it’s almost a getaway, if you’re following the right people. In spite of being a place where you are likely to see sunsets and baby photos, Instagram is, because of focus on visuals, also a powerful advertisement tool, if you get creative with what you post. Before we talk about using Instagram as a marketing tool, however, let’s talk about how to simply get started.

Create an account

– Download the free Instagram app onto your phone and sign up. Use the name of your business for your username, and then your real name for the name that will appear on your biography.

– Write a short biography that describes who you are and what you do.

– Use a picture of you or of your brand for your profile picture.

How to use Instagram

– On Instagram, it’s all about the fun photo filters and editing options you can use. It’s not a rule to use them, but when you try them out, you’ll find that they’re a fun and easy way to edit the pictures and videos you upload from the photo library on your phone, or the photos and videos you take with the app itself. When people post something, they will often write something about their picture and follow that up with some related hash tags.

– As with Facebook, there are two ways to tag someone. You can tag them in the photo before you post, or you can tag them in the text below the photo by putting the @ before their name. You can also add your location before you post.

– Sharing on Instagram is easy. You can tag your friends, you can copy links to posts, or you can choose another app to share a post on before you post it to Instagram.

– You can also private message on Instagram by clicking on the box on the top right corner of the screen.

Post great content

– Native content on Instagram typically comes in the form of picture quotes, pictures of family and friends, landscapes, pets, and, of course, selfies.

– Make your products look as pretty or interesting as the aforementioned topics if you want to get your followers’ interest.

– Take a look at what other entrepreneurs are doing to get a feel for how you’ll tailor your posts for the platform. Pay attention not only to the photos and videos, but also to the words and hash tags they use.

Get followers

– Add the Facebook friends Instagram suggests to you while you’re signing up, and then use the magnifying glass on the tool bar on the bottom of the screen to search for friends who don’t have Instagram.

– Also use the magnifying glass to search for celebrities you are already following on other platforms.

– Click on hash tags you’re interested in to find users you might be interested in.

Instagram is simple and fun to use once you get started. There are people who only use Instagram, and have abandoned Facebook completely. Just get in there for now and get a feel for it. It just might be the platform for you!


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