How much thought do you put in to your social media content? If you take the time to plan your social media with key themes and promotions then you can very easily plan a month or mores content at a time.
How do you come up with the themes? Every time you receive an enquiry asking if you do XYZ write it down, if you get clients regularly asking you “how do I..” write it down. These questions are a pool of content just waiting for you to use!
You can create this database of content ideas in Asana or in a Google doc/sheet, find a system that works for you! I then break down these themes into smaller topics. That way you can focus on the main theme for the course of a month by covering a topic each week.
In today’s fast paced world people aren’t going see EVERY post that you make even if you post it on every social media platform. So look at the themes and topics and work out ways that you can repurpose your content. Have you written a blog? Turn it in to social media posts, make a video, use it to make a free download. There is so many options for what you can do with your content once you get it started.
Be current = share current updates and reviews, talk about current issues.
Be engaging = ask questions, offer up challenges, show off your clients.
Be giving = share about businesses in your industry
Be helpful = share how to and lists, solve a problem, offer freebie guides and answer FAQ.
Be personal = share stories and behind the scenes, show your sense of humor.
When you have a good mix of the above then Be promotional = share your services give business updates and business tips. But you never just want to sell!
How do you organise your content? I would love to hear below!