Why I Never Delete People Off My List

Why I Never Delete People Off My List

I see this discussion in groups all the time. You send a newsletter out to your database and only 10% of people open it and click on the link (according to the analytics). Its frustrating and disheartening that you spend all this time crafting a beautiful piece only...
How To Convert Frustration Into Education

How To Convert Frustration Into Education

Did you know that people are attracted to positive people? Your customers want to invest and buy from someone who makes them FEEL good. Someone who educates them, teaches them, guides them and is an all round nice person. But you and I both know that sometimes we have...
Do You Leverage Your Biggest Asset?

Do You Leverage Your Biggest Asset?

As business women we’re used to having to do everything to get stuff done. We don’t complain – just pull up our big girl pants and get moving with our to do list. Crossing things off, adding more. It’s a never-ending story. Some of us put a hesitant toe in and hire a...

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