Hi, I’m Alethea!
Learn how to grow your impact online through beautiful, conversional, student focused online courses.
Hi, I’m Alethea!
Learn how to grow your impact online through beautiful, conversional, student focused online courses.
The Best Online Course Platform on the Market
Researching what online course platform to use? Teachable vs Thinkific (and why we’re Thinkific fans) If you’ve ever done any research into online course platforms, you’d know there’s a few out there, all with different costings and offerings. The two major players in...
Create A Content Marketing Plan To Keep You Organised For The Rest Of 2019
Let’s get your content marketing organised for the rest of the year We are a couple of weeks into the 2nd half of 2019 and you’re all prepared to get ahead and make more money than you did last financial year. Right? Well that’s the plan, but do you have a proper,...
How to design a landing page that converts
A landing page is often the first place that someone will interact with your business. It is at the very top of your sales funnel. It can be hit-and-miss, but if done the right way, you’ll be able to rinse and repeat for the next time! Landing pages are also a great...
3 ways to make your Facebook Group work for you and your community
Yep, Facebook has made yet another major update on the platform and it’s all about Facebook groups! There are a couple of things you’ll want to think about before clicking on the ‘+ create group’ box to get the most out of the Group for not just the members, but for...
4 essential elements NOT to get wrong when you plan your new website!
When you visit a website that is all-over-the-shop, you quickly lose interest then click away from it and onto the next one…you’ve done it often haven’t you? Having a clear plan before you start building your website will make people stay longer! Create your website...
3 Reasons You NEED a Website
Everyone keeps telling you that you need an awesome website but you’re still not convinced that’s true...well it is and I’ll tell you why. Bricks and mortar businesses are closing by the dozen every day and it’s only going to get worse. Even if you are a brick and...
3 easy ways to improve a sales funnel that didn’t convert
You’ve spent hours writing your copy, putting your Facebook Ad together, waited and waited, had a couple of bites, but no sales...sound familiar? Well, you’re not alone in the online marketing world. When you’re just starting out most sales funnels won’t work, they...
How to use blogging to promote your business
Need to know the best way to get more people opting into your email list or booking a free discovery call with you? Here are some simple ways to use your 'socials' to make this happen. Organic reach is gold, it means you have authentic followers who really value what...
What To Include In Each Of Your Blog Posts
You’ve got your marketing plan in place, you know what you want to promote and to whom, now you just have to tell the world about it... oh yeah, that bit…! Let’s look at what you want to blog about, make a list of the two most important services or products your...
3 Steps to Introducing a Group Coaching Program from your 1 on 1 Service
If you’re noticing that you’re wasting a lot of time answering the same questions from your 1 on 1 coaching clients, it may be time to leverage your time, and income, by creating a group coaching program. There’s only so many times you can say the same things right?...
3 Simple Steps to Creating Your Online Course
You've got a brilliant idea that you want to share with the world, well at least your niche audience anyway. First, you need to work out who those people are, what problems they need solving and what solution you’ve got for them. Asking relevant questions via an...
4 Mistakes to avoid while building your coaching business
Learning from others mistakes has really opened my eyes in building my online business. You know when you see a mistake, especially online, you almost cringe and think "how could they have done that?" then immediately after you think "what if I had done...
Hi, lovely!
I’m Alethea & welcome to CloudXS Digital! We help coaches, consultants and service providers grow their impact online with beautiful, conversional, student focused online courses. We share lots of tips and tricks on our blog to help you get started with your online course business. You can learn more about working with us to build your online course here.