How to write a killer blog post (Part 1 of 3)

Anybody can write a blogpost, but not everyone takes the time to write in such a way that they can actually be helpful to the reader. When you want to write a killer blogpost, you should write with an objective in mind, be clear and concise, and stick to a basic formula or structure. Part 1 of this 3 part series on how to write a helpful blog post will explore writing with a purpose.

Answer a cry for help!

Many people read blogs because they are searching the web for answers. They have questions–sometimes specific, sometimes not–about almost anything you can imagine in life and in business, and I know for a fact that you know the answers to some of those questions, or that you can figure out the answers yourself. The difficulty is often in figuring out what to say, getting it out there, or communicating it effectively. Here are some ways to find out what your audience needs help with:

1) Look at what you yourself are going through, and what you’ve learned or overcome. Think about how you can translate it into a simple message to share your experience.

2) Examine what you have yet to learn or do, pick one to try, and then write about it after you experience it. For example: You haven’t tried Facebook ads yet, so you do a little research, try it out for a couple weeks, record your progress, and then pass on the information through your blog.

3) See what topics are being discussed online. Twitter, Periscope, and Facebook are great places to be a part of conversations on what topics and concerns are trending. It can also be helpful to listen to what the influencers out there are talking about–people who have their finger on the pulse of online business trends.

4) Talk to other entrepreneurs around you to see what challenges they are facing. They could be in your mastermind group, at local expos, or online.

Finding informative topics to write about should be quick and easy with these steps: You’ll have a list in no time! The next post in this series will be on developing a structure for your posts, so stay tuned!


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