Have you ever noticed that we remember stories (especially fables) more easily than facts and figures?
The power of words weaved together with vibrant characters and relatable situations ensure that as a reader it connects to our heart and therefore our mind.
Its not just some random piece of text that is soon forgotten after it has been read. It’s a lesson that we:
cry over,
smile over
laugh over,
and learn from.
It’s this very memorable element of stories that I encourage my clients to tap into when creating written content particularly around teaching somebody something.
AND the best place to use it is when you want to vent.
When you are angry and passionate we can easily go on a venting rampage online trying to correct what has been misunderstood. Sometimes though our fury can make us get off track. The fury of….
Someone receiving bad advice,
Some random person having a (negative) vocal misconception about how your industry works
Or just even clients expecting you to give them the magic bullet (we know it just doesn’t work that way 😉 )
BUT if you take a moment to pause and think about how you can use this opportunity to educate and transform it into a story, a fable of sort’s people will see the correct answer on their own! When the penny drops they are more likely to remember AND take action on their newfound knowledge. Not only that they will want to follow you and connect with you more (and eventually BUY from you) because you become ever more attractive than your fury fuelled competitor.
Just like the hare and the tortoise racing – we learn a lesson about how to approach a goal and know that being the fastest doesn’t always equal being the winner. So how does one go about converting a lesson (be it an anger fuelled one or just a great lesson in general) into a story?
Well try and write your lesson as if you were having a conversation with a friend.
Design and describe a protagonist and get to the main point fast.
Remember this isn’t a mills & boon piece that someone is going to curl up on a couch and read – we want to draw people in BUT we have to respect that most people don’t have lots of time so lets make sure they absorb your amazing wisdom.
Short stories that have penny-dropping endings with relatable characters (preferably that look exactly like your target customer) are very powerful!
Want to see what this would look like for one of your own existing blog posts? Book yourself in here and I will get one of my amazing writers to convert your magic into a story for you!